When you start something new, you are excited and overwhelmed at the same time. You tend to work on what you sort of know or have an idea of and set aside stuff that is unfamiliar and too foreign to you. Whether it is the first day at the gym or at a new job. You want to learn but bite small pieces at a time. You want control. Blog was a giant chunk for me to chew. Information overload. I instinctively ignored things that looked way too complicated during the initial setup. That came back to me on Day 2, and I got locked out of my own website. Help/Contact was nonexistent. Google led me to the desparate posts by hundres of other users that have fallen into the same trap. With no solution.
Luckily, I took a few photos/screenshots while setting up my account. I also take notes on physical paper but find photos convenient when saving info like h%-jd5?$dn1^*nef#pjx&s!d for later. I highly recommend doing this because a photo can capture many things both intended and unintended. And a piece of information from a screenshot saved me. This is why you are reading this post now because I’m back. I also recomment clicking on “chat” if it’s available when you are reading an article in Help section to troubleshoot on your own. Pros do a better job than you, and they are there for that reason.