Lucid Dream (#2)

It’s been a few weeks since I had a vivid lucid dream. I didn’t have any afterwards. Much of the details of it was lost, but I still remember what it was all about. I know what triggered me or my brain to have the dream.

A Negative Self-image

The night before, I was texting with a girl friend who had a self-image issue. She said she used to be physically fit, slimmer, and confident. She was still active but had put on quite a bit of weight after 2 pregnancies that made her feel unattractive. I never met her in person; we became friends through an online running community. Her confession surprised me as I was looking at the profile photo of a young healthy-looking woman standing in the beach. She admitted that her profile photo was from a long time ago when she was lighter. I asked her if she had any recent photos of herself, and she replied “very few”. Her self-consciousness would not let anyone take her photos, she said.

She added that she had been very critical of her appearance back then and now she just wanted to look like the woman in the profile photo.

A photo Collage

I showed her a photo collage of me at 3 different stages of life: overweight, underweight, and healthy weight. I was overweight for the first half of my life. Then I dropped 67 pounds in 1 year which led to serious physical and mental breakdown. It took me 10 years to rebuild health on the healthy lifestyle and mindset. Everyone that sees those photos is shocked at my transformation. Some don’t believe they were all the same person. But they were all me, the very same person with different attitudes towards life.

I told her that the reason I had all those photos and was able to make the collage was because these photos were my mom’s favorite photos of me. I used to hate how I looked no matter what weight I was at, but my mom always loved me unconditionally. She saw the same me and good things in me through my exterior.

Courage to Face

The texting stopped for a moment. Then a phot was sent to me. Of a woman in a gorgeous red velvet dress standing in front of pink lighting like a model. She’s curvy, playful, and charming. She said it was taken 2 months earlier and that she hardly showed it to anyone. I told her I saw the same beautiful woman in the photo as in the profile photo. I told her to save photos of herself at any stage of life because she would come back later and appreciate them.

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